5 Cool Camping Gadgets
Camping out in nature is an amazing and relaxing time. But sometimes there are frustrating aspects of camping including but not limited to packing, setting up, and more. Well, what if I told you that there are revolutionary camping gadgets out there that can help make your trip a breeze? Read on for 5 cool camping gadgets that you need for your next trip.

BioLite Portable Camp Stove
This is definitely a gadget that you’ll want to check out. This small wood burning stove is not only portable but generates electricity. Just think, you can crack out this little stove to cook a meal all while charging your phone or generating power to a light source. Not to mention that its portability makes it perfect for packing for camping. Get one here

LuminAID Solar Lantern
This lantern is an amazing survival gadget but of course can and should be used in more than just emergency situations. Not only is it solar powered, which is a win in case you don’t have a source of power, but it also inflates to be full size. One of it’s best features that sets it apart from other lanterns is the fact that it floats and is waterproof. Hopefully you never find yourself in a situation where you’re stuck in water and need light to see, but you can also take advantage of this feature if you’re swimming or fishing out in the water when its dark and don’t have to worry about losing your lantern. Get yours here

TrailerLegs Quick and Easy Trailer Jack
One of the most time consuming and annoying parts of setting up your campsite is jacking and stabilizing your trailer or RV. This trailer jack significantly cuts the amount of time and effort that it takes to get your trailer or RV set up. Literally all you have to do is set them in place and then drive forward or back just enough for it to engage and your RV will be automatically lifted and stabilized. TrailerLegs are also incredible to have with you in the event of a flat tire. You can get your vehicle off the ground safely within seconds and start changing your tire. It’s a camping must have! Get one here

Nanopresso Portable Espresso Maker
If you’re someone who needs their coffee then this gadget is for you. Making coffee on camping trips can be annoying. Obviously you’re not going to take your coffee maker from home and bring it, or maybe you won’t even have power during your trip. And let’s face it, those stove top coffee makers are bulky to pack and not that great. The Nanopresso is super compact and easy to use. This makes it great for packing lighter on a trip and can also easily fit in your bag or even some pockets! You could bing this little gadget along with you on an early morning hike and then enjoy a nice warm espresso while watching the sun rise. Check it out here

Glow in the Dark Tent Rope
Okay, I couldn’t resist putting this one on here because it is just so practical. I believe we have all struggled with hitting and tripping over our tent’s or canopy’s rope in the dark. And it makes complete sense, you literally cannot see where the rope is strung out when it’s dark outside. Glow in the dark rope may be the solution! Finally, we can see where the rope is when walking through the campsite or getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Find it here